

Donate Today

and Make a Difference!

Your once-off or recurring gifts and donations of your choice will help a beekeeping family establish and run their food production in a sustainable way.

Easy, Secure donation options are available through Yoco. 

Audited, authentic, and accountable

All contributions made to African Honey Bee’s work in giving the poorest of the poor a new sense of hope and the potential for a sweeter tomorrow through a viable, self-sustaining poverty alleviation business are independently audited. A Board of Trustees provides oversight on all African Honey Bee’s operations and ensures the highest levels of probity in line with our mission of ensuring African Honey Bee is first and foremost a Christian Social Enterprise operating according to strong Biblical principles.

Beneficiaries (partners in receiving) of your gifts do not simply receive a gift, they need to prove their commitment first. A beekeeper only receives a Flatpack once they have successfully completed Level 1 of the training and effectively made a veil, gloves, smoker, and hive tool from old t-shirts, jeans, hats, kitchen curtains, paint tins, and wire – discarded material they manage to find around their homes. Beekeepers who complete Level 4 and successfully build chicken coops or tower gardens, receive starter kits for super-efficient chicken, or water-wise vegetable farming.

Thank you for considering making a difference and giving a rural family a once-off hand up, rather than a long-term hand out.